Sunday, April 22, 2012

Journal 9

Page, L. Sheehan, T. & Worrell, C. (2012). How to do more with less. Learning and Leading39(6),

Technology is in an uprise. This means that students need to become more educated in how technology is used. This is influential to classrooms because it provides students with a fun way to engage in various topics in school. In the article, "How to do More with less," the authors focus on "blended or flipped" classrooms. This means technology is heavily apart of classrooms lessons. Furthermore, the authors argue that technology is often viewed as expensive. However, this holds no truth. There are a lot of free programs and websites teachers can use in lessons. For example, blogs are a great way for teachers to stay connected with their students. Email seems outdated, a blog is an exciting way for students to make posts on lesson topics, or to comment on peers posts to develop discussion. Technology can be applied to every subject. It is an important resource to influence creativity and innovation. 

1. What are some other free websites that can be use in education?
Powerpoint is another outdated program, which also costs to have. A free presentation program is Prezi, which is called the zooming presentation. This website provides the ability to create more exciting presentations that can be seen over the internet or downloaded to the computer. Another free website that can be used in education is weebly, which is a website where you can custom make a website to showcase. Students can take on an important issue and develop a website for the cause. This promotes creativity while learning about a global issue.

2. Why is technology important for students?
Technology is important because the world is transitioning to the computer. Now, so many things can be done online. Students will find themselves spending more time on the computer and with technology than with a pen and paper. Therefore, technology is an important topic that needs to be integrated into education more. Some may feel technology serves no purpose. However, if an educator uses technology to teach math, english, history, or science a student will learn how to use technology, and learn various school subjects. 

Journal 6: STEM

Vaidyanathan, Sheena. (2012). Foster in creativity and innovation through technology. Learning and Leading with Technology, 36(6), 24-27. Retrieved from

The article discusses the idea of STEM, which is Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. Vaidyanathan argues that there is a lot of emphasizes on these subjects without much creativity. However,   she has discovered that with the use of technology students can learn these subjects to become more creative and innovative while studying the subject. For example, the Los Altos District spent twelve weeks studying video game design.  Without the students even realizing they were studying math and graphic design. I agree with the author's belief that technology is a great way to learn, and should be integrated into schools more. In addition technology used in the classrooms is important to help educate students on how to use it. This because, technology is becoming influential in everyday, therefore students must know how to use it.

1. How can teachers use technology in classrooms without a school budget?
There are lots of software companies that provide free or discounted programs for schools. For example, in the Los Altos District the graphic design program they used was free. Most people are willing to help in education for students. This is the technology age, therefore schools need to make money and time towards technology in education. I think this is an argument that can be easily proven.

2. What kind of an english lesson plan can be used with technology?
I have found that many publishers ofter online workbooks. This includes worksheets and test on  grammar, spelling, and sentences. Students can use the publishers website to practice grammar and take a test afterwards to prove their progress. This could be a warm-up activity to ensure each student is practicing.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Journal #8 Adaptive Technology


The AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) is strategies like tools that assist people with communication disabilities to help them better participate in social roles. For example, "interpersonal interaction, learning, education, community activities, employment, volunteerism, and care management."

One example of a low tech tool is a Speak Book which gives the ability to communicate for those who cannot speak. The Speak Book is squared shaped that has a list of options in each corner divided by four different colors. Also between each corner is a color dot that corresponds with the options on the colors. When a person wants to communicate they look at a certain color followed by the color dot. This will tell someone what the topic is and what option they chose. For example, someone might look at a list of drinks followed by one color of the drink they want. This book was created by someone who a communication disability. It was design to be a nonprofit communication tool that can be downloaded online. The Speak Book can be used in a classroom between a student and their teacher, aid, or staff member. The various topics and options can be erased in the book, which gives the school member the ability to write different questions about a lesson, giving the student the ability to participate.

One example of a high tech tool is a LightWriters. A LightWriter provides people the ability to text a sentence which is instantly turned into speech. Also, the device is designed with two faces, one that faces the user and the other is displayed for easier communication. On the device is a keyboard that is arranged alphabetically. This feature makes it easier for young children that struggle with communication. Also the LightWriter is portable, which provides an easy service for people with communication disabilities. The LightWriter can be used in the classroom as communication between peers and the teacher. With this device a student will be able to express his thoughts.


Input devices are for people that have communication disabilities. Input devices are hardware and software devices that work with an computer to provide services for better communication. 

One example of a software is the ipad communicator. This is an application for an ipad that provides users with different list of vocabularies. Each word is illustrated through a picture. Users can create sentences by choosing various picture vocabularies. Also, the application can be rearranged by adding different categories and words. In addition this application can be used in several languages. This application can be used in classrooms to help build on vocabulary for younger students. A teacher has the ability to add and subject different vocabulary list that apply to the daily lessons. 

One example of a hardware is a magic touch screen. The touch screen can be added to a computer monitor. The screen enables users to touch the computer screen to better communicate through symbols, pictures, and words. This can be used in the classroom between a student and teacher interaction. Often students spend time in a computer lab. The magic touch screen would come in handy when a student has questions during the lesson. 

Monday, April 9, 2012

Journal #7 PLN

A PLN is a personal learning network. This means, different websites where people can communicate about topics of interest. Personal learning networks are beneficial tools to connect people all over the world that share information with each other. A PLN will help me as a teacher because there many sites that can keep me connected to my students. In a personal learning network students can blog, tweet, or chat about discussion topics for the class. This will be beneficial to the students because they can collaborative with their peers and myself outside the classroom.

Furthermore, a tool I have used to communicate with my peers is twitter. Twitter is a PLN which enables people to communicate short blurbs back in fourth. Twitter can be used to link information to people that follow you, or you follow.  To follow means to have the ability to see each posting a person is making, and vice versa. Following people is important because I can follow other people in the education profession. For example I want to be a special education teacher, so I follow @education_IEP, and @SpecialEDNeeds. Also, Twitter can be used in forums where people can chat about particular topics. In fact I participated in a Twitter chat that was educational. The chat was #kinderchat that took place on MondayApril 9th at 6:00 pm. The topic was about creating environments that encourage imaginative play. I learned that a lot of educators believe free play time is important for kindergarten students. This is because they need time to be themselves, which is 5 year old children that have imaginative minds. One teacher said she plans around 60 minutes of free time a day. This may not be consectively. Little free breaks will keep the children more focused in learning.

In addition to twitter is a resource tool call Diigo. Diigo is a network tool that enables users to tag websites to read later. Diigo can be used as a network tool because users can share websites with other users. This can be done by placing the link to Diigo on a blog for others to see can do this.
In addition to twitter is a resource tool call Diigo. Diigo is a network tool that enables users to tag websites to read later. Diigo can be used as a network tool because users can share websites with other users. This can be done by placing the link to Diigo on a blog for others to see can do this. On Diigo I follow, where is information for teachers about lesson plans, books, and strategies ideas. Also, I tagged PLN for special education lesson plans. I tagged this because I am interested in resources for special education lesson plans. 

Lastly a digital discussion forum I joined was Educators PLN. This site is for collaboration between educators.  I looked at a blog entitled 5 Tips to Help Your Child Become Self-Confident. I found this blog important because a teachers job is to make all the students feel included and comfortable in the classroom, and this is influenced by a student's self confidence in the classroom. One tip that I found interesting was "Don't Label Them." The blog says if you constantly tell a student they are weak, they will continue to get low test scores. Encouragement is the number thing a teacher can give a student. 

Monday, March 5, 2012

Journal #4: If You Give a Kid a Video Camera

Campbell, L. (2012). If You Give a Kid a Video Camera. Learning and Leading with Technology, 39(5),  30-33. Retrieved from

In the article, "If You Give a Kid a Video Camera" discusses how a video camera can enhance a students learning. Video cameras are a innovated form of a class project. Instead of boring text, students can make a video on a research topic. In the article Campbell argues that visual learning is an effective way for students to understand material from varies subjects in school. For example, Campbell argues that a video camera used in a science experiment would enable a child to understand the different steps of the experiment. Another example Campbell uses in favor of a video camera is for students to video tape an interview of their grandparents as a way of capturing a primary source. Overall, Campbell believes technology, in this case a video camera, is a new efficient way for students to discover the world around them.

1.) What is another lesson plan where students can use a video camera to enable learning?
Students could use a video camera to discover how various math theories can be used in everyday life. For example a student could capture the measurements and angles of a table to understand the importance in the building process. Another possible lesson plan for a student is for them to video tape the theories of motion by moving a skate board into an object. These project ideas are more enjoyable, and a student is more likely to understand material when they are having fun.  

2.) How can a teacher signify the importance of technology in the classroom when a school does not have the budget to supply technology? 
A teacher could show their administration how learning was improved in a certain subject. The educator must signify that testing is not the only way for a student to learn material. Students can learn from visual, hands on projects that will enhance knowledge. For example, a teacher can  teach the lesson without technology, give a test, and then teach the lesson with technology, and finish with a different test. The results should prove the change technology brought to the material. 

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Journal #3 : Inforgraphics

 Krauss, J. (2012). Infographics more than words can say. Learning and Leading with Technology
39(5), 10-11. Retrieved from 

The article Inforgraphics More Than Words Can Say is about visual based learning used by technology. Specifically inforgraphics are visual representations of information. The article expresses the idea of using charts to organize information from subjects like math or science. Infographics are important in education because they are great ways to put on organized presentations for different subject. The benefit of infographics is it provides students a different way of learning. There have been many studies that signify that people learn in many different ways, which is why infographics are a effective tool. Krauss argues teachers need to provide students with inforgraphics because a student will take the information and pick out the useful data.

1.)What are types of tools teachers can use as infographics?
Teachers can use Prezi to create presentations that flow from point to point. Prezi is a more visually pleasing presentation program that will engage students. Also, teachers canThey use a class blog to. A class blog can be used organization assignments for student submission and provide instructions on various topics.

2.) Can students develop their own inforgraphics?
Yes, inforgraphics can be used by students to present information to others. Infographics are an innovated tool that students can use to present research topics. For example a student can provide information, show examples with pictures, and even enable a YouTube video relating to their topic. Infographics are a great way to visually present material to the class. Furthermore, infographic presentations help students learn a topic of information, as well as how to organize useful data for future use. 

Journal #2: Twitter

Ferguson, H. (2010). Join the flock. Learning and leading with technology37(8), 12-15. Retrieved from

Miller, S. (2010). Enhance your twitter experience. Learning and leading with technology, 37(8), 15-17. Retrieved from

The articles discuss how Twitter is a tool that can connect people of interest together. The authors explain how twitter can be used professionally enabling groups of people to share information together. Furthermore, understanding the language of hash tags users allow people to see what they are posting. Professional hash tags are be created to a specific group of interest to use. Twitter is an ever expanding community keeping people together through their tweets. 

1.) How can Twitter be use in a classroom? 
Twitter is a way to blog information. In a classroom students are often expected to answer questions to online material. Twitter can be used in a classroom for students to follow each other, including the teacher, and discuss the topic at hand. In addition using #hash tags are great ways to show other people what you're students are learning, or even a way of organizing the class.

2.) Why is it important to understand twitter lingo?
Twitter has developed its own lingo that is important to the topic being tweeted. When a person tweets something about education, the best way to share the tweet with other people in education is with hash tag words like education, k-12, or varies school subjects. This idea can be taken even further by creating a group name hash tag. This idea can be used in classrooms for students have to blog ideas for the class. Twitter is a great way to stay connected with others, and when hash tags are used it brings people of interest even closer.