About Me

Hola! My name is Kristen Huhn. I am 21 and in my 4th year at Cal State. I am a liberal Studies major, hoping to get a special education credential. I grew up in Temecula, CA. Which means I went to Rancho elementary, Margarita middle, Chaparral high, and finally I have been studying at Cal State San Marcos for four years. I lived in Temecula until I was 18 and moved down to San Marcos to be closer to school.

On the technology continuum I would say that I am fairly up to date on new technology. Although up until recently my family always have PC computers. I am able to function with technology through the basics. However, I am always learning something new. Thanks to my nerd boyfriend I can say I know more about my macbook today than I did two years ago. I like computers because they have made life easier in ways of shopping, communicating, and researching information.

"We are committed to diversity, educational equity, and social justice, exemplified through reflective teaching, life-long learning, innovative research, and ongoing service."
This part of the school of education's mission statement sticks out to me because I believe an educator must feel passion towards each of these commitments. Anyone can teach, but the ones put passion and love into their job will receive the best results. The mission statement was not the reason why I applied to CSUSM


  1. I completely agree with your opinions regarding the mission statement. The importance of understanding these commitments is essential to becoming a passionate and successful teacher. Also, isn't it so nice having a boyfriend to help in the technology department?! haha

  2. I also grew up in Temecula! But I went to Paloma Elementary, Temecula Middle School, and Temecula Valley High School. Good About Me=]

  3. Hello Kristen! I too like technology, to be more specific computers and the Internet, because I feel that they have enhanced our lives in many ways. Like you stated above, with a computer that is connected to the Internet one can easily shop, communicate, and access key information. I enjoyed reading your reflection about the CSUSM Mission Statement because it is very true that in order to be an effective educator one must love teaching and interacting with the students.

  4. I commented on the same part of the mission statement. I think as educators, we need to be fully aware of and committed to diversity and equality. I agree with you!!

  5. Thank you for sharing! I commented yesterday and not sure where it went??? Anyways, thanks for sharing and good luck with your CSUSM endeavors.
