Sunday, March 4, 2012

Journal #3 : Inforgraphics

 Krauss, J. (2012). Infographics more than words can say. Learning and Leading with Technology
39(5), 10-11. Retrieved from 

The article Inforgraphics More Than Words Can Say is about visual based learning used by technology. Specifically inforgraphics are visual representations of information. The article expresses the idea of using charts to organize information from subjects like math or science. Infographics are important in education because they are great ways to put on organized presentations for different subject. The benefit of infographics is it provides students a different way of learning. There have been many studies that signify that people learn in many different ways, which is why infographics are a effective tool. Krauss argues teachers need to provide students with inforgraphics because a student will take the information and pick out the useful data.

1.)What are types of tools teachers can use as infographics?
Teachers can use Prezi to create presentations that flow from point to point. Prezi is a more visually pleasing presentation program that will engage students. Also, teachers canThey use a class blog to. A class blog can be used organization assignments for student submission and provide instructions on various topics.

2.) Can students develop their own inforgraphics?
Yes, inforgraphics can be used by students to present information to others. Infographics are an innovated tool that students can use to present research topics. For example a student can provide information, show examples with pictures, and even enable a YouTube video relating to their topic. Infographics are a great way to visually present material to the class. Furthermore, infographic presentations help students learn a topic of information, as well as how to organize useful data for future use. 

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